Archive for December, 2011

An Atheist’s prayer

Posted: December 25, 2011 in Christian

This morning, I went out to get some last minute Christmas shopping done, (Yes, I really AM that stupid sometimes.) As I was, an event occurred that brought the holy spirit to my thoughts. When I got home, I was inspired to write the following poem for us this Christmas time.

While walking down the street

A sign on the wall I did meet.

With Jesus and Santa by a Christmas tree

And a message that said, “What myth do you see?”


These people say

there is no God

That he’s only a myth

A hoax, a façade.


That wars are waged

By religious fanatics

And the world would be better

Without all these dramatics.


And I became furious

I was fuming mad!

But then I heard God

And he sounded sad.


And God said to me,

“Why full of scorn?”

“You should be like me,

and for these people mourn.”


And he filled my mind

with thoughts not my choosing.

And showed me what

These people are losing.


There is no God

The fool says in his heart

And thus we can go

And do what we want.


To an atheist’s heart

Heaven’s never an end,

Take what you want

Who cares if you offend.


When you consider the cosmos

And their celestial dance

How can anyone believe

It was random chance?


For it was God who placed

The stars on their courses

Who gave us the trees

The birds and the horses.


To think we were made

Of hap-hazard fluff

It’d take more faith than a Christian

To believe in this stuff!


And what atheist has ever

Calmed a fear

Brought hope to the hopeless

Or dried a tear?


What artwork has

An atheist fashioned

Or beautiful song

Of love so impassioned?


How does an atheist

Help those in need

Or do they just wallow

In selfish greed?


Now with that in mind,

My heart it did melt

And I closed up my hands

And there I knelt.


I prayed to my savior

That their eyes be not closed

That they learn about him

And his love he composed.


So when you hear

An atheist say

“God is not real”

I say you should pray.


And when you are done

as they pass you by

Praise silent to yourself

“There but for God’s grace go I.”


–The Cyberprophet